We are thrilled to invite you to an exclusive Risk Seminar! The event is designed to provide a platform for discussion around the challenges you are facing as risk management professionals today. It is an opportunity for you to share your ideas, experience and best practice on topics we know matter to you!
Key Facts:
When: 9:00am- 13:00pm 25th April 2018
Where: Feringapark Hotel, Feringastrasse 2-6| 85774, Unterfohring, Germany
Price to attend: Free!
- 09:30 am Welcome – Tea/Coffee & Registration
- 09:45 am Introductions, Question Box entries
- 10:00 am Risk Management and it’s role in major change programmes – Mr Keith Roach, Risk Management Consultant.
- 10:45 am Risk Analysis – Driving business value.- Mr Susheel Chumber, Global Head of Customer Delivery, Risk Decisions Ltd.
- 11:00 am Break
- 11:15 am RoadMap & Networking.- Ms Alex Leggatt, Account Manager, Risk Decisions Ltd.
- 12:00 pm Working Lunch
- 13:00 pm Optional Predict! Demo
Mr Keith Roach, Risk Management Consultant.
Before moving into consultancy Keith was the Head of Enterprise Risk Management and Business Continuity Management at BAE Systems for over 7 years. He was Cohort Lead for the Risk Management Steering Group within the Corporate Risk Management team at BAE Systems and served as the Chair of the BAE Systems Predict! User group. With a wonderfully down to earth approach, Keith has particular strength in helping organisations develop and implement workable risk frameworks and the supporting processes that underpin them.
Mr Susheel Chumber, Global Head of Customer Delivery, Risk Decisions Ltd.
Susheel is responsible for overseeing the implementation risk management using Risk Decisions’ flagship risk management software, Predict!. He has worked with a number of high profile organisations in a variety of industry sectors, including the likes of Lend Lease who delivered the 2012 Athletes Village, the Fehmarnbelt fixed link that will connect Denmark and Germany and the Ministry of Defence.As a champion for risk management, Susheel sees its implementation as a positive endeavour that needs to manage well to realise successful outcomes. He has exceptional strengths in understanding the cultural as well as theoretical perspectives involved, working closely and collaboratively with stakeholders to find the right solutions. Commanding a proven track-record with almost twenty years of experience, Susheel has a reputation as an excellent risk practitioner.
If you would like to register for this event please download and complete a registration form and return to the contacts below!