Does risk maturity drive project advantage? Val Jonas, Risk Decisions CEO and Co-owner will lead a discussion on this topic at the PMSA Knowledge Event on 5th May 2017. In...
A risk management strategy is very much an ongoing process. It requires commitment right across the business to deliver a new approach, a new way of working, a new mindset....
Risk management is moving quickly in an ever-changing world. Even organisations accustomed to volatility and uncertainty have recently been taken by surprise at the speed of change and the increasing...
All too often, M&A deals fail to deliver the expected value. Whether you’re thinking about an M&A to grow your business, or defending your company from a hostile approach, how...
Oxford, 16 January 2017: Australia’s leading naval shipbuilder and submarine organisation, ASC Pty Ltd, has appointed Risk Decisions as its new risk management partner. The Risk Decisions' Asia-Pacific team will...
Risk management reaps significant rewards when it focuses on supporting how you deliver your business’ core activities. Essentially, anything that undermines or distracts from this is a risk. While we...
Understandably in the world of nuclear, risk management is focused on safety. Wider considerations of longer-term strategic risks and short to medium term project risks can easily be neglected. A...
Every business faces risks that could threaten its success. As business owners, we are all too aware of strategic risks – a new competitor entering the market – through to...
Risk management software can be a powerful platform to help improve the way your organization delivers projects. With businesses still committed to tracking projects through Excel spreadsheets, implementing a new...
Risk management software can be a powerful tool to help your small business deliver projects efficiently and effectively. There’s a perception risk management software is just for enterprise businesses... But...
In this year’s PwC Risk in Review survey of 1,229 senior executives and board members, 73% of respondents agreed that risks to their companies are increasing. Today’s business leaders often...
At Risk Decisions, our new customers are typically implementing our Predict! software, to replace their spreadsheet-based risk management setup. Spreadsheets are great for getting started, but they have many pitfalls...
Babcock’s Infrastructure Network Engineering business unit undertakes time-critical infrastructure projects for customers operating in the Communications Infrastructure, Power and Rail industries. Although the markets in which they operate are very...